Cave story soundtrack
Cave story soundtrack

cave story soundtrack

What does this play say about the power of intelligence versus strength? (theme) The play suggests that intelligence is more valuable than strength.Others will say no, because he was in his own cave and Odysseus and his men were intruders. Some students will say yes, because he ate six of Odysseus’ men. Do you think Polyphemus deserves what happens to him? (evaluating) Answers will vary.Others might say it was Odysseus’ fault for leading them into danger in Polyphemus’ cave. Whose fault do you think it is that six of Odysseus’ men die? (evaluating) Some students will say it was Polyphemus’ fault, because he ate the men.He is proud of what he has done, and he wants everyone, especially Polyphemus, to know it.Ĭritical-Thinking Question (activity sheet online) Why do you think Odysseus shouts at Polyphemus in Scene 7, rather than sailing away quietly? (character’s motivation) Odysseus wants to boast about how he defeated the Cyclops.He also shows his leadership skills, as he leads the men from danger. What character traits does Odysseus show in the plans he makes? (character traits) Odysseus shows that he is smart and tricky.

cave story soundtrack

In Scene 6, what three things happen that are part of Odysseus’ plans? (plot) The men put out Polyphemus’ eye with a log they had sharpened and hidden Polyphemus shouts that “Nobody” is hurting him, so the other Cyclopes don’t help him the men cling to the bellies of sheep to escape from the cave.Why does Odysseus give Polyphemus a drink offering? (plot/inference) Odysseus is giving Polyphemus wine that will make him sleep soundly, so the men can put out his eye.The other men react with anger (Telemon wants to attack) and sadness (the men weep), but Odysseus thinks quickly, knowing that if they kill the Cyclops, they’ll be trapped in the cave. How does Odysseus respond to Polyphemus’ eating two men in Scene 3? How does Odysseus’ reaction differ from that of the other men? (character) Odysseus makes a plan to defeat Polyphemus.Others might say no, because Odysseus comes into Polyphemus’ cave uninvited and threatens him, saying, “may you fear the fury of Zeus should you treat us unkindly.” I might go back to record some new music, but thats only if I see. I dont have every single file of every BGM in MapleStory, because for one, I play MapleSEA only, and secondly, I havent been playing for a number of years.


Some might say yes, because he explains that they are weary, so it could be reasonable to ask Polyphemus for help. H ere, you can download whichever OST you want for free Just have a look through all that I hold here. Reread Odysseus’ first line in Scene 3: “Hello, we are weary travelers.This shows that he is brave and curious, but also perhaps a little foolish. Odysseus seems to want to learn about the Cyclopes, and he also wants to take home gifts. In Scene 2, why do you think Odysseus wants to visit the island of the Cyclopes? What does this tell you about him? (inference) Answers will vary.You learn that Odysseus, a great hero, is on his way home from the Trojan War when the action in the play happens. What is the purpose of the prologue? What do you learn from it? (text structure) The purpose of the prologue is to give readers background information about what is going on as the play starts.

cave story soundtrack

Close-Reading Questions (20 minutes, activity sheet online)

Cave story soundtrack